Snapshots and Letters:

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Saturday, October 13, 2007

I'm blind.

The smog blows and my eyes water up into dust, I wonder why I’m here. The city teems with a competing beauty that tires me. I want so much for something unknowable to be.
I’ve found myself lately staying up late reading Origen or browsing through Gnostic theory. I wake up after dreams of other places and times. The back of my mind is never in the reality that I am in. It’s a strange adriftness, I’m so enwrapped in a dream here. It’s just a long still line that never stops.
Along university road, I saw a blind man - dark waves against fluttering lashes, round shoulders and a golden jaw. He saw right through me and for a moment I had a vision.
I kissed his lips, I painted his face on a canvas he would never see. I poured coffee into a never ending glass we shared, and drank from the cream jar straight. Our hands touched the sounds of the unknowable… A champagne covered sunrise filled everything with warm and bubbly loss. We drowned ourselves in all that was gourmet and left our walking canes at the door.
Then, I read his cards, and envisioned a future without us. Our lives parted over broken dishware and tainted evenings. Suddenly I was on a plane again running away to a new known – a place like every other place. Suddenly I was in an un-homely sanctuary. Suddenly, I was walking down the street again, passing a blind man I never knew, I never met... Back to the unreal reality and the daily footsteps of paced life.

1 comment:

The Pensive Poet said...

Eee, that's such a tough feeling. Hope you soon feel better and more in harmony with life as it is. Enjoy it while it lasts! Miss you.