Snapshots and Letters:

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Thursday, September 6, 2007

Ok. Its much easier to do this:

Go to this website to see pictures.

The end.

P.S. Tommarrow I'm going on a hike through the desert.
DID YOU KNOW? Jordan is set to be one of the top adventure tourism spots in the world?! I didn't.
Ok. Its much easier to do this:

Go to this website to see pictures.

The end.

Vintage suburbia in West Amman

I know I haven’t updated as much or often as I did in Spain… However, perhaps that is a good thing. I could tell you of the ruined villas and secret hideaways of Jebel Amman or I could relate the eccentricities of my cousins. Though both these topics have elicited some degree of interest to me, the revolving allure of Amman occurs indoors.
Gardens is the improperly named dusty district where my friends are housed. From the outside it looked no different than the tiny boxy villa rowhouses, however the inside proved to be a complete break from 21st century realities. The walls were plastered with 60s stylized amber wall paper, as artfully spotless vintage couches dotted every room. The lighting was that dim honey that commonly cloaks antique Polaroids. They sent me on a tour of avocado coloured bathrooms and James Bond stylized beds equipped with built an antique radio…
The bubble of lost time extended itself not only to the interior design but also the very actions of the inhabitants. Coffee was served out of a French press, as everyone ate cookies and talked of how our respective families were doing. A girl was knitting in the corner as 50s stylized French pop drifted from hidden speakers. We found ourselves sucked into the past, and I felt oddly right at home.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Week one

So much has happened, its truly impossible to recapture it. I decided pictures would do it best. For those of you that don't know, I got terribly ill and had to go to the hospital. I was well within 24 hours but hte medicine has made me absurdly thirsty and ADD. Therefore, I'm not going to write much expect explanation for the pictures.

One is my bedroom.
Some are just general pictures of Amman.
One is a photo inside of a cafe I will likely frequent a lot.
And the rest... seem explanatory.


Week one

So much has happened, its truly impossible to recapture it. I decided pictures would do it best. For those of you that don't know, I got terribly ill and had to go to the hospital. I was well within 24 hours but hte medicine has made me absurdly thirsty and ADD. Therefore, I'm not going to write much expect explanation for the pictures.

One is my bedroom.
Some are just general pictures of Amman.
One is a photo inside of a cafe I will likely frequent a lot.
And the rest... seem explanatory.