Snapshots and Letters:

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Friday, May 18, 2007

Estoy en Sevilla!

Hello all. I just got in Sevilla a few hours ago. What a flight! It all felt very strange and surreal. I first walked into this metallic new terminal at the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport. Everyone was lovely and very european randomly, I felt like I was in D.C... The New York airport kinda reminded me of New York. It smelled of cigarrettes and was gringy and didn´t wait for you to catch up with its speed. I luckily got placed in the Spain-Iceland terminal. I think its a sign. There was sooooooooooo many Icelandic people, and I was kinda creepy and would sit close so I could listen to them speak in Icelandic. The long flight there was made a bit better. A lady randomly wanted me to switch seats with her so she could sit next to her elderly mother on their overnight flight.... So I did. And I was coincidently completely surrounded by study abroad students heading to Madrid for study abroad. Needless to say, I was overjoyed. It made the flight a bit more bareable.
And now...
I´m here in Sevilla. With NO sleep at all. Its 11:58 here but in the middle of the night in the states i believe. In any case. This hasn´t been all that exciting but I suppose I´ll write again soon.
Hopefully I´ll have something more meaningful (not to mention coherent) to say.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i hope you love each arrival. : )

ps:I quit the job at the strip club, it was marrying for money with less job security
